Get The Most of Your Merchant Account

Tailoring your merchant account, equipment, and website integration ensures a personalized transaction experience for your customers. We understand that a “one size fits all” approach doesn’t work for merchant accounts. Let us customize your equipment and website integration to enhance the overall experience for your customers.


Who We Are

Mid City Payment Solutions has been instrumental in saving substantial amounts of money for business owners, such as yourself, since July 2022. Our commitment goes beyond merely cutting down your expenses on payment processing fees – we tailor custom solutions to enhance your ability to manage growth and upselling effectively. With unwavering confidence, we highlight our 24/7 tech support as an invaluable feature, ensuring your business remains at the forefront of the industry


Point of Sale (POS) Systems

Cutting Edge Hardware and Software solutions for in-person transactions at physical locations. We may be able to integrate to your existing system

Mobile Payment Solutions

Facilitating payments through mobile devices, often through mobile app such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and others.

Virtual Terminal

Allowing merchants to process card-not-present transactions, such as over the phone or by mail.

eCommerce Integration

Integration support for e-commerce platforms to enable seamless online transactions.

Reporting & Analytics

Providing merchants with tools and insights to analyze transaction data and track sales.

Recurring Billing

Supporting subscription-based models by automating regular, scheduled payments.

Customer Support

24/7 Tech Support unavailable with many other payment processing companies

PCI Compliance

Ensuring that the payment processing system complies with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements to protect cardholder data.

Settlement and Payouts

Next Day Funding is our standard – Get your money fast and aid your cashflow

No Obligation
Cost Analysis

Here are some of the things you can expect with our free cost analysis


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